Register For a Public Tour

Please pick your preferred tour date and an alternate date. A minimum of 20 guests is necessary to conduct the tour. We will always do our best to accommodate your preferred tour date.

Deadline for Registration: 2 weeks prior to the date of tour. Maximum Guests per Tour: 40 guests. Questions marked by * are required.

Are you a U.S. citizen over the age of 18? *
Due to the nature of this industrial environment, participants will need to walk on uneven ground and climb steps. Will you need assistance? *


  1. Must be at least 18 years of age and a U.S. Citizen. Please bring photo Identification with you. Authorized IDs are driver’s license, passport or government-issued photo identification card. Those who do not present approved ID will not be permitted on the tour. No exceptions.
  2. Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. the date of the tour in Room 160, Ohio State University Endeavor Center, 1862 Shyville Road, Piketon, Ohio. Visitors must arrive on time for registration. Bus will leave promptly at 9 a.m. and all visitors must be badged prior to departure.
  3. Tour will be completed before noon. All visitors will be returned to the Endeavor Center for departure.
  4. Clothing must be appropriate for an industrial environment. Closed-toed shoes are MANDATORY. No open-toed sandals, flip flops or high-heeled shoes are permitted. Short sleeve shirts, knee-length shorts or capris are acceptable but skirts and sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Long pants and comfortable shoes are encouraged and highly recommended.
  5. Cameras, cell phones or other recording devices are prohibited on the tour and should be left in personal vehicles.

By submitting this request you confirm that you are a U.S. citizen over the age of 18, and you have read and understand all of the tour guidelines listed above.